The Sunshine Award

Here’s the third award nomination I’ve received this week. I particularly love this one because of it’s title and it’s image of the Gerber daisy. Thank you My Botanical Garden for the nomination. Your blog rocks!

The award requires expression of gratitude (thank you again, My Botanical Garden), ten things about me, and my ten nominees for the Sunshine Award.

Ten Things I Like To Do:

  1. sing at the top of my lungs in my car
  2. dance at zumba class as if no one is watching
  3. sit on our patio with my husband
  4. kayak
  5. cruise down the Beaver River in our small motorboat
  6. watch the sunset from a boat on Lake Michigan
  7. make homebrew
  8. drink homebrew
  9. watch my flowers grow
  10. write

Ten Blogs that bring SUNSHINE to my life – please check them out!

  1. Thoughts from the Outdoors
  4. Brecon Nomand
  7. A Modern Christian Woman
  8. Lightning Droplets
  9. Olemike’s Blog

Congratulations all.

Published by P. C. Zick

I write. It's as simple and as complicated as that. Storytelling creates our cultural legacy.

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