An Almost All Homegrown Dinner!

By P.C. Zick@PCZick

Last night we managed to eat a meal, mostly provided by our garden, with a table graced with flowers from plants and herbs gone to seed, along with a very few wild irises growing at the edge of the woods in our backyard.The tall purple flowers are radishes; the long drooping yellow flowers come from our oregano plant leftover from last year; look very closely to see the basil leave peeking out from the front of the vase. Beauty graces our home and our plates.

A zucchini greeted me yesterday morning when I did my daily walk around the perimeter of the garden. At eight-inches, this lovely vegetable was the perfect size for grilling. I found one small cucumber to provide a little bit of crispness to our meal.Preparing the bounty

We picked enough beans for a small serving each. The onions are just popping up out of the ground so I decided some of the sweet “Vidalia” type would be great on the grill. And in the big sink, I soaked the last of the leaves of spinach for this year.

The spinach and beans I put on the stove to steam and then prepared the zucchini and onions for grilling (I did use one sweet red pepper with these purchased from Giant Eagle – it will be more than a month before peppers are ready for eating). As a marinade, I used olive oil, balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, tarragon and thyme. Next, I prepared the salmon for grilling. No, I didn’t catch it from the ocean out in the backyard. I purchased this salmon on sale in the Strip District in downtown Pittsburgh. I used the last of our zucchini relish from last year as a marinade and then plopped a few springs of our parsley on top before loosely wrapping in aluminum foil and grilling along with the vegetables for about 20-25 minutes at 400 degrees. After the grilled items cooked for 15 minutes, I turned the burners on the other vegetables. And then I prepared our cute little cucumber – a delicacy at this point in the season.I presented our “almost all homegrown dinner” to my husband as a thanks to all his hard work for growing this bounty. I forgot to mention (and forgot to take a picture), for an appetizer, we ate the first peas from the garden. We were probably a little premature, but they are very close and very sweet. We managed about ten peas each as a preview to our coming attractions.

What are you eating from either your own garden or from the farmer’s market right now?

Published by P. C. Zick

I write. It's as simple and as complicated as that. Storytelling creates our cultural legacy.

6 thoughts on “An Almost All Homegrown Dinner!

  1. Fabulous – every gardener’s goal! At the moment, we’re just harvesting herbs and lettuce, some of which has gone to seed. I’m going to pick the flowers and put it in an arrangement – good idea! thanks…


  2. I’m amazed our lettuce is doing so well despite our heat. I took a friend some of the radish tops and dill and basil today and she loved it. Great to use it all even if we can’t eat it! Keep me posted on your garden.


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