Very Inspiring Blog Award

I’m very grateful today to announce that one of my favorite blogs has nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blog Award. Faithrises inspires me with each post, so it is an honor to be nominated by this blog.

Here are the requirements for this award:

1)      Display the award logo on your blog.

2)      Link back to the person who nominated you.

3)      State 7 things about yourself.

4)      Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.

5)      Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

Seven things about myself

  1. I type 80 wpm.
  2. I don’t feel all put together unless all my underwear matches my outerwear.
  3. I pumped gas for one day back in 1973 at a Sinclair gas station.
  4. I am the baby of my family (and the only girl).
  5. My brother was signed to the Detroit Tigers in 1966 and played in their minor leagues for two seasons.
  6. I was a Trash Trooper in Gainesville, Florida, and issued tickets to people who littered.
  7. I love dancing.

My nominations for the Very Inspiring Blog Award – I chose the following blogs for different reasons, but all because they inspire me in some way. A few provide very helpful tips and suggestions for living lightly upon this earth (the theme of my blog). Some simply give me inspirational words of wisdom as I begin my writing day. Others offer insight into the writing life, making me feel less alone in this isolated career. And others I love because they give support to all of us independent authors just because they believe if we support one another, we all succeed. Thank you all for the good work you do.

  1. What’s Green with Betsy?!?
  2. Charming Trinity
  3. Coco J. Ginger Says
  4. TBN Ranch
  5. Staci Triolo
  6. Attempting zero waste lifestyle in a military household
  7. Pixel Pole – Photo Art
  8. The Heirloom Salad
  9. The Stay-at-home Scientist
  10. headywriting
  11. For Your Good Health
  12. A.D. Trosper
  13. Alle’s 5-star review blog
  14. Kristen Lamb’s Blog
  15. betweenfearandlove

Published by P. C. Zick

I write. It's as simple and as complicated as that. Storytelling creates our cultural legacy.

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